Friday, January 23, 2009

Cross Promotion

Target is the king of cross promotion. I just can't get enough of their clever ways to show girls with bouncing hair and twirly kids in the most fantastical lifestyle ever using the products they sell.

We have created a new campaign for our Shippy Women's Pocket Pouch Shirt using Etsy shop owner, Owly Shadow Puppets, as a model. We allow her to wave one of her puppets to increase exposure of her product. We also credit her in the listing and create a link back to her shop.

We were originally inspired when we saw her wearing our shirt at Crafty Bastards in Washington DC. I started snapping await at this cutey. The cross promotion campaign was an afterthought.

So far, our views on this item in our etsy shop are up 300% from other listings.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What Do They Talk About?

Call me paranoid, but these Secret Keepers are seem like they are up to something.

I still remember when a babysitter read me a book about a monkey with cymbols who came to life at night.

I better keep an eye on them.